Low Carb Diet


Low-carb diets can normalize blood sugar and thus potentially  reverse Type II diabetes.

Diet plays a big role in managing diabetes. When you have  Type II diabetes, your body has a hard time removing glucose from your bloodstream. Since carbohydrates digest into glucose in your body, it stands to reason that controlling carbohydrate intake is a key part of diabetes management. While a major method of controlling carbohydrates is being consistent about the amount you eat at each meal and snack, some people advocate for eliminating carbohydrates from your diet altogether.  Chances are you have a carbohydrate intolerance.

In type 2 diabetes the body has an increasingly harder time to handle all the sugar in the blood. Large amounts of the blood sugar-lowering hormone insulin are produced, but it’s still not enough, as insulin sensitivity decreases. At the time of being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, diabetics usually have ten times more insulin in their bodies than normal.As a side effect, this insulin stores fat and causes weight gain, something that has often been in progress for many years before the disease was diagnosed. 

The solution is a low carbohydrate diet. We all know high-carbohydrate items like bread, pasta, and potatoes. .All carbohydrates are broken down into glucose (SUGAR).  Low-carb foods and low-carb meals have proven to be very effective at lowering and controlling blood glucose levels in most diabetics.  

Here at NDS Medical we plan to source and bring to market hard to find low carb products from around the world.